Exprt - Right Sidebar - 17d13


#250 Apache Junction: Superstition Mountain Museum RR under construction (Jan 2014)

#251 Phoenix: ABTO's Largescale "Extreme Gravity Track" in operation (Feb 2014)

PhxRail's Picasa Photo Gallery

The PhxRail Picasa Photo Gallery contains several albums, associated with some of the groups listed at left.


Private Layouts - "Ride On" Size

Peoria - Sayre Brothers' Arizona & Pacific RR, ArizonaAndPacificRr.com (16" ga. private railroad)


Private Layouts - Largescale

* Mesa: Palo Verde and Southwestern Railroad, pvswrr.com - Dennis Sirrine's huge outdoor layout, built by the owner of the Rancho De Tia Rosa restaurant // CLICK HERE to view some photos in Picasa .
* Mesa #2 - 2 levels running on EagleWings Iron Craft modules, patrolled by guard chickens :)
* Phoenix: Whiskey Flats Railroad , 900 feet track, 100 feet long, travels through 5 log tunnels.
* San Tan Valley: Layout STV#1 -- completely fills rear yard.

* (distant) Dragoon AZ (180 miles southeast of Phoenix): Dragoon Mountain Scenic Railway, dmsry.blogspot.com - Dirk Carmichael's record-setting, unbelievably huge, G ga outdoor layout-under-construction.
* Chandler (since dismantled): Bill N's "Westerwald Reich Bahn" German-themed layout.

Local Phx Largescale RR Artists & Mfgrs

* Murals By Gardner - Largescale Outdoor RR Wall Murals - CLICK HERE to view some examples in PhxRail's Picasa album

* Eaglewings Iron Craft - Outdoor largescale iron modules, bridges, & buildings, website at EaglewingsIronCraft.com


Private Layouts - S Gauge

* Valley Of The Sun S Gauge Meeting Photos

Private Layouts - HO Gauge

Mesa #1 - Great scenery & wall murals